Posted by jodleren on 04/09/07 16:49
On Apr 9, 5:55 pm, trp...@gmail.com wrote:
> I am using a set of functions that seem to be pretty common for using
> an associative array to write data to an .XLS file. This work fine for
> the most part, however I have problems writting a number to Excel on a
> Solaris system, whereas it works fine on a Windows system using the
> same PHP version (5.05). I have isolated the code to the following
> function:
Not quite sure of this, but maybe this can help you:
$fExcel=fopen($excelfile, "w");
fwrite($fExcel, "<html><head><STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\">");
fwrite($fExcel, " <!-- .number2dec {mso-number-format: Fixed;} \r
fwrite($fExcel, " .number0dec {mso-number-format: 0\\;} -->\r\n");
fwrite($fExcel, "</STYLE></head><table border=1>\r\n");
fwrite($fExcel, "<tr><td class=number2dec>1.2
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