Posted by Frank Arthur on 04/14/07 14:04
"Vince Morgan" <vinhar@REMOVEoptusnet.com.au> wrote in message
> <special119@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1176439621.805482.279680@l77g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...
> http://cgi.ebay.com/Amazing-Magic-Potato_W0QQitemZ270109600577QQihZ017QQcategoryZ1469QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
> Hmmm, one might wonder what exactly would motivate another to rub a
> potatoe
> gently for several minutes before bedtime in the first place?
> Perhaps the nagging infection was relieved by the very fact that your
> rubbing the potatoe gave some relief to whatever object you were rubbing
> prior to the discovery of this incredible vegetable?
> The fact that it is apparently responsible for your winning the lotto
> several times is, I must admit, truly astonishing! I have tried various
> methods, short of actualy buying a ticket, of winning the lotto with much
> less success.
> Personaly I have rubbed various objects gently, and sometimes not so
> gently,
> for several minutes prior to bedtime without attaining these incredible
> results. However, being a person with apparently far less imagination
> than
> yourself, it never occured to me to focus my attention on vegetables,
> apparently to my very great loss.
> However, noticing that this incredible herbaceous root is, at the moment
> or
> writing, available for as little as $0.99 leads me to doubt the
> authenticity
> of these claims.
> Only 99 cents? What's the rub?
> Vince
The rub is a minimum of $15 shipping for the seller.
Currently there are 2 bids. High bidder pays $1.25 plus at least $15
for a "magic potato"!
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