Posted by Vince Morgan on 04/15/07 07:31
"Francis S" <francissem@gmail.com> wrote in message
> $record= array(
> "product"=>array(
> array("name"=>"apple","price"=>30.5),
> array("name"=>"orange","price"=>20)
> )
> );
> echo array_read($record, "[product][0][price]") //out 30.5
> print_r (array_read($record, "[product][*][name]")) //out
> array("apple","orange")
> echo array_read($record, "[product][*=>(name=orange)][price]") //out
> 20
> echo array_read($record, "[product][(*)=>(price>20)][name]") //out
> "apple"
> echo array_read($record, "[product][(0)=>(name=orange)][price]") //out
> null
> echo array_read($record, "[product][(1)=>(name=orange)][price]") //out
> 20
Is this one of those games where you offer the answer so someone can find
the question?
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