Posted by John Hosking on 04/15/07 22:14
Jon Slaughter wrote:
> "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote in message
> news:60ccd$4622904c$40cba7c0$10376@NAXS.COM...
Can't have enough Jo(h)ns in a thread...
>>BTW: Most times z-index fiddling is not required, only on positioned
>>elements and normally can be avoided by the order within the markup.
> Yeah, but because the way I have it layed out and the effect I want I have
> to to something strange.
Pity you have no control over ... yourself. :-)
> Maybe it can be done with normal z-indexing
Are you paying attention? Or are you re-inventing the language again?
Jonathan suggests *not* fiddling with the z-index. I recommend the same.
> and I
> have messed up code but thats not so much my problem at this point.
Whose problem is it then? (I know; it's ours. We have to keep seeing
your posts...) I say, boldly, that the z-index, which is something of an
advanced tool and which you have clearly not mastered, is causing you
more problems than you need. I will further say, just as boldly, that
the sooner you (or anyone; this is true for all of us) get rid of the
messed-up code the better everything will be. Start over.
> (I'll probably rewrite all the code once I get a grasp
> of how everything is going to work)
No, rewrite it now. It's a simple two-column layout. Don't fight it.
John Hosking
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