Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 04/18/07 17:58
Manfred Preußig wrote:
> hello,
> I have incorporated to my site a formular for contact purposes. But as I
> checked the formular the mail (with correct contents) opens the
> e-mail-client for sending it. This is not what I want. The mail
> generated through the form shall be send directly to me without opening
> the e-mail-client of the sender. How can I do this?
> This is the form code:
> <form
> action=mailto:Nachricht@Preussig-Ferien.de?subject="Fehlermeldung"
Here is your problem. Don't send the form, the "action" parameter, to
"mailto". "mailto" requires the visitor have an email client, if it
works at all! You need to have the "action" point to a mail sending
script that runs on your server, like PHP, Perl, ASP, Python...
The server-side script then takes all the info you collected in your
form and builds the email and send it to your through your hosting
company's mail-server.
Take care,
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