Posted by e_matthes on 04/18/07 14:46
On Apr 18, 1:10 am, Toby A Inkster <>
> e_matthes wrote:
> > This works for all the other classes I have created, but not for this
> > image class. The message I get when I load simple_phptests.php is:
> > "The image simple_phptests.php cannot be displayed, because it
> > contains errors."
> Is there anything outside your <?php ... ?> block? Any whitespace?
> Could you provide a URL?
> --
> Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
> Geek of ~ HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python*/Apache/Linux
> * = I'm getting there!
Thank you for the whitespace suggestion. I thought whitespace only
made a problem at the beginning of a file, so I hadn't noticed the two
blank lines at the end of each file. Works now! Thanks again to both
of you.
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