Posted by Steve on 04/18/07 22:13
| > do as you will, i believe though that the standard practice is to
| > brackets to clearly show the body block rather than just leaving that to
| > indentions.
| Brackets schmackets. If it's a single statement I've never felt any
| guilt of leaving out the brackets. I agree that the first piece of code
| I posted was not the best possible since the entire if and alse clauses
| were on a single line. However the second one I posted is just as good
| as any other. With or without the extra spacing. They aren't that
| important, you know... We're programmers, not women!
wtf. i made a suggestion that you use more commonly practiced coding
standards. who cares about the spacing anyway. it's the legibility i'm
after...most servers don't charge you rent based on the kb size of your
scripts. legibility *is* important.
btw, keep your insults limited in scope to me. as some programmers are
women, i don't see a logical way to take the insult since it is directed
toward a gender and not a person (read, me). further, that some of those
women programmers can program you under the table and embarass you so badly
your face will turn red, i wonder what sex you'll think you are when that
does happen.
| > i'm not ragging on you,
| Oh, but you are. Come now, you could've easily revealed the "correct"
| formatting right away and we wouldn't be having this stupid conversation
| anyway. But no, you just wanted to see me try again and fail, and beg
| you to reveal the correct answer.
fail? i made a suggestion. i didn't say there was a test. and, when you
*asked* me for an example, did i not provide it?
you're high-maintenance.
| > but these points make it easier to manage code.
| Bollocks. It's just that you're used to something and I'm used to
| something else. I do admit the first case was shitty, but really, how
| dare you mock my second example? There was nothing wrong with it, period.
did i mock? i pointed out how NEITHER of your formats were among the most
commonly used. THAT means that MOST others will have difficulty reading
it...especially if they are new.
| Okay, I'm a stupid asshole who can't format his code and can't take any
| criticism. Fine, I'm okay with that. I'm sorry if I've ruined everyone's
| day now.
everyone can format their code, it's a matter of knowing best practices. as
for not being able to take criticism, A-FUCKING-MEN !
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