Posted by programming on 04/19/07 01:02
I just would like to re-explain the problem i am having as i had not
received any posts, so i might of explained in poorly.
The problem i am having is NOT parse error related, more or less a
problem in my logic. Ok , well what is happening is i am getting my
values in member.txt fields ok from reading it, but when i attempted
to write those values back to the member.txt file with updated string
values, my member.txt file is cleared of all values, and i think my
array is been wiped.
Here is the updated code:
//Store profile in username.txt
$fileName .= "../username/member";
$fileName .= $_POST['user_id'];
$fileName .= ".txt";
$handle = fopen($fileName, "w");
fwrite($handle, $_POST['form1']);
// build record into string from post values
$update = $_POST['user_id'] . "|" . $_POST['password'] . "|" .
$_POST['lastname'] . "|" . $_POST['firstname'] . "|"
$fileName = "../username/member.txt";
//set line to edit
//get file into an array
//set the file name
$edit_line = $_GET['record_id'];
//replace original record with new record
$replace_text =$update;
// replace specified array index (user to update) with built string
$contents[$edit_line] = $replace_text;
// Strip carrage-returns
for($c = 0; $c < count($contents)-1; $c++)
$contents[$c] = str_replace( "n", "", $contents[$c] );
// write array to file
if (!$fp = fopen($fileName,"w")) { die("Cannot open file"); }
// read content from file and place into array, this is used to put
initial content into form
$userid_no = $_GET['record_id'];
$line = split("|",$fc[$userid_no]);
$user_id = $line[0];
$password = $line[1];
$firstname = $line[2];
$lastname = $line[3];
$email = $line[4];
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