Posted by Ian Hobson on 07/03/05 00:37
Take a look at phpCMS
This is a templating system that
a) Leaves existing files alone so you can install and convert file by
b) Maps urls to hide the fact that it is a php script, so search engines
to index the pages.
c) Works easily on sites with php. It needs no database.
d) It is GPL. (Free download).
e) It is easy to set up.
In message <Byxxe.13194$5D4.3975@newsfe4-win.ntli.net>, Jonathan Davis
<dr_sloan@ntlworld.com> writes
>> You also could use a real template system like smarty or try to implement
>> one for your own.
>Unfortunately with the way my site is setup, in order to get the whole site
>done this would involve setting up a folder with every file in it (around
>2000 files), and also having to rename most of them and rewrite a lot of
>I think an easier solution might be to include a index.php and a content.php
>file in each subfolder (instead of just a index.php - which at the moment i
>am having to manually redesign) so when i wanted to redesign the site i
>could just create a single new index.php and paste it into all 30 folders so
>i would not have to redesign all the content pages every time as the content
>does not change.
In phpCSM you point each data file (index.htm, or whatever.htm) to a
format file. So updating the format is one file change (per layout -
you can have several).
By using sub-templates, you can update sub-areas on many layouts
(adverts?) by uploading one file.
Ian - posting to a Newsgroup. Please remove everything to reply.
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