Posted by Steve on 04/19/07 16:03
| Thanx SH.. I'm just waiting for that future HR company to google/
| keyword this thread when dear ol' Steve looks for a job.
you really are a clueless fuckwit!
exactly WHAT would they be searching/keywording for? and exactly HOW would
they know 'Steve' was the applicant in front of them? wait, lemme guess...on
your resume in bold at the top, it reads: COMP.LANG.PHP (like a dumbass).
get a fucking clue. even if they did (which is IMPOSSIBLE), they'd certainly
agree that your code is shit. they may want me to tone down what name i use
for said rose, but we'd wink everytime we used the substitute.
as it is, my fte has enjoyed having me as an employee for about seven years
now. my pte has as well in a consultant position...under which contract, i
am on retainer. that should suggest to you that i have a *very* good
relationship there since they pay me each month regardless of whether i work
for them during that time or not - they know that whenever i do and for
whatever it is they have me do, i get it done. i've been pte this way for
two years now. and, except for my first consulting gig, all my pte contracts
have been by reference.
all that should tell you something; that you are wrong. even more, that you
should revisit the initial advice i gave you before the name calling
started, since it may be that i actually do know what i'm talking about.
either way:
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