Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 04/20/07 01:52
Aerik wrote:
>> for. I want them to be able to print-out a list of address labels, using
>> standard Avery labels, on their home PC's using the data from my MySQL
>> tables. I am not yet sufficiently au fait with php to manage to code it
> After all the flames have died down:
> Perhaps absolutely positioned divs? If you get the sizes and
> proportions right, then it's just a matter of setting the margins
> properly in the browser.
Doesn't work. You don't know the characteristics of the printer (i.e.
margins, etc.).
A 1/2 inch top or bottom margin makes a big difference on a 2"x3"
mailing label.
> Simpler still (maybe even simpler than your Word / mail merge
> solution): Find or create a template in Excel for your labels. In
> all the cells, put in formulas pointing to the second sheet. On the
> second sheet create an external data source that pulls from an html
> table. The html table is dynamicly generated by php and holds your
> data. It doesn't matter what the formatting of the table is, all the
> formatting is done in excel. To get a new list of labels, in Excel
> right click in the external data source and click "refresh". Easy.
> Aerik
Same problem.
HTML is a recommendation only. It is not suited for exact positioning
like the op requires.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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