Posted by El Kabong on 04/20/07 21:27
Thanks, everybody. I realize this whole thing is a hack but my client is
retired from magazine publishing/marketing and neither knows nor cares about
HTML "standards". Just thought I'd give it a shot. We're going to blow it
away and start over with something more "normal", whatever that is.
Thanks again.
"John Hosking" <> wrote in message
> Bergamot wrote:
>> El Kabong wrote:
>>>I created the form and page and it looks great in a browser :
>> Except that "looking great" is highly dependent on your puny font sizes,
>> which some of have a rather hard time reading. :(
> Here's a cure for that: disable image(s) so that the huge
> background-which-isn't-a-background image doesn't appear. Then you can
> resize the text for the forms without a care. Oh! except that the radio
> buttons then become unlabeled ...
> --
> John
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