Posted by David Dorward on 04/24/07 09:47
On Apr 24, 9:47 am, Jim S <j...@jimXscott.co.uk> wrote:
> Is it true that under XHTML frames are once again acceptable?
XHTML 1.0 is HTML 4.01 except (a) with a few minor tweaks and (b)
expressed in XML
Like HTML 4.01, it includes frames. They cause just as many problems
there as they do in HTML and should be avoided in most circumstances.
XHTML 1.1 is XHTML 1.0 Strict with Ruby anotation. It has awful
browser support. It doesn't have built in frames.
XFrames is, IIRC, a generic way to do frames in XML. I haven't looked
at it closely, but suspect it has dreadful browser support.
> If so how doe I produce frames which a) have no borders
Last time I checked, no browser supported the standard way to do this.
> b) have a replacement for the 'target' function?
The target attribute is still there in 1.0, with all of its problems.
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