Posted by Manfred Preuig on 04/24/07 15:31
Chris F.A. Johnson schrieb:
> On 2007-04-23, Toby A Inkster wrote:
>> Manfred Preußig wrote:
>>> Toby A Inkster schrieb:
>>>> <!--#include "filename.html"-->
>>> This is to the html-file like a comment.
>> What happens is that the server (assuming it is configured correctly),
>> sees this "special" comment and strips it out, replacing it with the
>> contents of "filename.html".
> Not like that, it won't. It will give you [an error occurred while
> processing this directive]. It should be:
> <!--#include virtual="filename.html" -->
is there any other way to do this with the same result? These both don't
work properly.
To show what I'm doing: This ist the navigation file I first set up.
Because I'm not able to include this before I past it eight times to
other files. These others are allready on the site but if I want to
change anything (like a file name in the links) I allways have to look
for eight files to change. So I want to make an include of the main
part, the buttons. So these are taken out to Navigation_include.html
which is the second code part. So if this will work properly it have to
present the main page layout and eight buttons at the left. But there
aren't any buttons (on the server since I d't have this on my PC so I
have to send it to the server to check it)
First Navigation.html:
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 //EN">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./CSS/Navigation.css" type="text/css" />
<meta name="author" content="Manfred Preußig" />
<meta name="generator" content="Ulli Meybohms HTML EDITOR" />
<base target="intern" />
<span id="Kopf">
<img id="Bild" src="./Bilder/Kleines_Bild.jpg" alt="Kleines
<h1>Ferienwohnung bei Preußig's</h1>
<span id="Mitte">
<!--#include virtual="Navigation_include.html" -->
<div id="Framerahmen">
<textarea id="Schatten" readonly>
<iframe id="Frame" src="./Beschreibung_Inhalt.html" name="intern">
<p>Hier befindet sich ein interner Frame (ein eingebetteter
Bereich mit wechselndem Inhalt). Ihr Browser kann entweder keine solchen
Frames verwenden oder es ist ihm durch von Ihnen gemachte Einstellungen
verboten worden. <a href="./Beschreibung_fl.html">Hier</a> können Sie
mit dem Lesen der verschiedenen Seiten ohne derartige Bestandteile beginnen.
<p>Here is a so-called internal frame (an incorporated part
with switching contents). Your Browser seems to be not able or
disallowed to present such parts. <a
href="./Beschreibung_fl.html">Here</a> you can start to use a special
set of pages without such incorporations.
Then Navigation_include.html:
<!--Dies ist ein include für die Navigation-->
<div id="NavLeiste">
<a href="./Beschreibung_Inhalt.html"><img
src="./Bilder/Button_Beschreibung.gif" alt="Beschreibung aufrufen"
border="0" class="Button" id="Button_Besch"></a>
<a href="./Selbst_Inhalt.html"><img
src="./Bilder/Button_Selbst.gif" alt="Wir über uns" border="0"
class="Button" id="Button_Selbst"></a>
<a href="./Region_Inhalt.html"><img
src="./Bilder/Button_Region.gif" alt="Region darstellen" border="0"
class="Button" id="Button_Region"></a>
<a href="./Karte_Inhalt.html"><img
src="./Bilder/Button_Karte.gif" alt="Karte zeigen" border="0"
class="Button" id="Button_Karte"></a>
<a href="./Anmeldung_Inhalt.html"><img
src="./Bilder/Button_Anmeldung.gif" alt="Anmeldung schicken" border="0"
class="Button" id="Button_Anm"></a>
<a href="./Kontakt_Inhalt.html"><img
src="./Bilder/Button_Kontakt.gif" alt="Informationen nachfragen"
border="0" class="Button" id="Button_Kont"></a>
<a href="./Impressum_Inhalt.html"><img
src="./Bilder/Button_Impressum.gif" alt="Impressum" border="0"
class="Button" id="Button_Imp"></a>
<a href="./Hinweise_Inhalt.html"><img
src="./Bilder/Button_Hinweise.gif" alt="Hinweise verschicken" border="0"
class="Button" id="Button_Hinw"></a>
As the answerers before say this have to work. Why not?
Thanks and greetings
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