Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 04/24/07 13:01
DavidNorep wrote:
> I am a Java programmer who do not know anything about PHP and consider
> to study it.Can you please tell me where to start? I visited zend.com
> and php.net. What I'd like to know is:
> Which online tutorial is considered very good?
> Which free IDE is good (Eclipse?)?
> An article that describes where PHP is more useful than Java?
Can't comment on the Java vs PHP question. As far as editors/IDEs go, on
windows I used to work most with PHPEdit, for which personal licenses
for non-commercial programming can be obtained free of charge
(www.waterproof.fr), since I moved entirely to linux, Quanta++ is my
personal favourite.
Zend has a commercial platform independent IDE (Java-based), popular by
many, hated by others.
For people with adequate programming skills, a quick tour of the
w3schools tutorial should suffice, use the extensive online PHP manual
for examples, snippets and explanations of PHP's building blocks. The
user comments often add valuable extra info.
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