Posted by JWS on 04/25/07 19:12
Bergamot wrote:
> JWS wrote:
>> Should I just give up the idea of having sidenotes?
> Why don't you just leave the sidenotes left aligned instead of
> justified?
I tried that, but it won't work. IE6/7 printing still pushes up
the sidenotes into a gap between paragraphs, even if the sidenodes
are "ragged right". To prevent this, the main text has to be
"ragged right" as well.
> As Mr Little said, justified text in a narrow column is
> pretty lousy for both looks and readability.
That, as I said, is a matter of taste; I just happen to prefer
justified text (as does 500 years of typographical tradition BTW).
But of course my question was not about "esthetics" but about
"technology": I just want to find out how to do it (never mind if
it is "beautiful" or not).
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