Reply to Re: You Bitches Talk Too Much - Check This S^HA^HA-SLAP

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Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 10/05/99 11:20

On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 19:14:52 +0100, Peter <> wrote:

>It would be helpful if you thought before posting your
>misguided 'thoughts'.

Oh is that so? No offense kiddo...but it's like you just ASKED to get
verbally beaten into the fuckin wall.

>Mozilla and Netscape JavaScript Bugs Compromise Privacy and

"While we were working on this story, Mozilla Bug #145579 was fixed in
the daily/nightly Mozilla development builds."

And hrmmm...that was back in 2002...ya fuckin idiot!


CERT Advisory CA-1997-20 JavaScript Vulnerability
Not applicable to current browsers, it hasn't worked since IE 4 fer
fuck sake!

US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#184820
"Adobe Acrobat contains a vulnerability in"
Doesn't apply to web browsers, Kiddo.

US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#534710
Only affects Mozilla/Firefox and it was resolved in ver 1.0.4 of
Firefox 1.0.4 and 1.7.8 of Mozilla

US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#973309
Exactly the same as before, only Mozzilla/Firefox and it's already
been patched.

US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#648758
Only affects Firefox and it's already been patched.

US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#255915
Only affects older version of this "WebBoard" proggie.

US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#270083
Only affects the IBM VisualAge Professional Vesion 3.5 Java Servlet
Container, they're up to version 4.0 though so they never bothered to
patch the outdated one.

Sweet baby Jesus nailed to a cross, Petey boi, did you even bother to
READ any of these? Holy fuckin keeristmas!

>IIS 5 Web Server Compromises:

A year out of date and it's already been that ALL you've
got? A patched compromise for an out of date version of IE? You're
running "privacy" software to protect you from something that's
already been patched on a version that you're probably not even using?

WOAH...boy you sure put the DUH in DUHMB!


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹

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