Posted by Rik on 04/26/07 16:43
Schraalhans Keukenmeester wrote:
> Rik wrote:
>> Schraalhans Keukenmeester wrote:
>>> Rik wrote:
>>>> Schraalhans Keukenmeester wrote:
>>>>> php_value include_path ".|../includes"
>>>>> (include_path='.:../includes')
>>>> If a unix box, the colon seems correct (windows would have a semicolon).
>>>> I've never seen a pipe use for this though, but that might be my lack
>>>> of OS knowledge and environmental variables.
>>> The pipe was a typo, alas. If only it were so easy, Rik.
>> Wish it was...
>>> Thanks for your
>>> keen eye though! No news from my provider either. WEIRD!
>> What happens if you try to include it specifically? Does that work or
>> does that give a more clear error?
> No matter what I try, just the filename, or including the relative or
> even full path to the include file, same error, no further specification
> of why this happens.
Hmmmz, normally I'd say there's probably another open_base_dir
restriction in effect for the subdomain, that would mean another error
message though... Are you sure the settings for the subdomain are the
same as for the main one?
> (Helpdesk people can be really annoying, you tell them you have a
> working solution with include files outside httpdocs which you'd like to
> work for subdomains as well. The reply after two working days: "You
> can't include files outside your httpdocs on the server, that's why it's
> not working." Sigh!!! Guns please!)
Hehe, I've more then once explained a hoster how to configure Apache to
my wishes, after being told they didn't think something was possible...
Helpdesk ignorance is OK if they trust you enough to give them the
education they lack :-). It's a pain if they're slow though, the bulk of
the hosters I deal with reply within the hour.
Rik Wasmus
Estimated date being able to walk again: 01-05-2007.
Less then a week, hurray!
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