Posted by webrod on 04/27/07 15:08
> No, there is no difference. In either case you are using PHP to output
> information to the page. Nothing more, nothing less. Zip. Nada.
This is because you are focusing on the outpout. As I said, YES the
output is EXACTLY the same, if you compare the generated HTML, I agree
this is the same.
> So what exactly do you want to validate? The only important things are
> - the PHP code itself is valid (the interpreter will tell you if it's
> not),
I don't care about the PHP code
>and the HTML output is valid (which the validator will tell you).
Yes. This is what I want.
I don't want to validate the output because I am NOT looking for a
tool which only validate the HTML (like "you should replace <br> by
<br/> to be conformed with XHTML rule bla bla bla").
I am looking for a tool which will do the job for me ;-)
I want it to replace automatically <br> by <br/> in my php page.
I want it to udpate the code. (actually TIDY do it It works even with
PHP page but with bugs!!)
I'm sure you understand that I need to do this step on the input (the
php page) instead of the output (or its work will be lost!!!!!).
And then you get a better understanding of the difference between
familly 1 and familly 2.
Obviously, if you want to validate the output, there is no difference
(who said it is what I want?). But if you need to validate the HTML
code from a php page, you will understand it will be easier to
validate HTML code if the php code is in the HTML (and not the
opposite, when HTML is in the php code).
And that's why it is always recommended to belong to the second
family ;-)
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