Posted by Rami Elomaa on 04/27/07 19:33
yawnmoth kirjoitti:
> <?php
> $var['a'] = 'test';
> echo isset($var['a']['b']) ? 'true' : 'false';
> echo '<br>';
> echo isset($var['b']) ? 'true' : 'false';
> ?>
> Why does that result in this output?:
> true
> false
> It seems to me that it should instead output this:
> false
> false
It has something to do with the fact that $var['a'] is a string and
strings can be handled as an array of characters. I only assume php
casts any non-integer offsets to integers since strings (when handled as
an array of characters) is non-associative. Thus 'b' is cast to int,
which is zero. var_dump($var['a']['b']) echoes 't' which is the first
character in 'test', which supports the theory that 'b' is being casted
to int.
Also, if you use an integer instead of string:
$var['a'] = 7;
echo isset($var['a']['b']) ? 'true' : 'false';
it yields false now, since an integer is not an array.
> Using array_key_exists instead works, but I'm not sure why isset
> doesn't? Is this maybe a PHP bug?
A bug or a feature? That's a tricky question. I suppose this is
undocumented feature. The string accessing with [] is explained in the
manual, but it does not mention the automatic casting.
The workaround:
echo (is_array($var['a']) && isset($var['a']['b'])) ? 'true' : 'false';
Make sure you are dealing with an array, because the results of isset
are ambiguous when it's a string.
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