Posted by Jon Slaughter on 04/29/07 23:31
> Well, get over it. He answered the question you asked. Then you told him
> it wasn't the answer you wanted.
No, thats the point. he didn't answer it. He answered the question he
thought I asked and then when I said it wasn't Geoff has to jump in and give
me some BS.
> You asked if "Is there any command that essentially executes the code and
> then echo's it?". include() does exactly that.
yeah, and if thats all you read of my post then obviously your going to post
the wrong thing. Maybe its not clear because you fail to read the full post?
How bout reading the full post? Is that to much to ask?
"essentially I am trying to include php/html files in one another but I need
to do some parsing on them first. I'd rather not do something like"
If that isn't clear then I don't know what is.
> The fact is, you don't want to just execute and echo the code. Now you
> tell us you want to modify results before it's output. That's a different
> problem.
I said that. I'm not going to bother wasting energy quoting my original post
but if you bother to actually look at it then you'll see thats exactly what
I said. It might not have been clear but it was obviously clearn enough for
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