Posted by shimmyshack on 04/30/07 16:34
On Apr 30, 2:57 pm, "Kevin Marks" <k...@westportwa.com> wrote:
> Actually I was looking to use mysqldump for the entire database backup. I
> will look this over though and try to figure it out.
is the idea to let your users be in charge of dumping their own
Do you also provide them with a way to upload and restore this?
could you allow them access to an install of phpmyadmin, locked to
their user, that way they can backup in both directions?
what if they dont do it manually, they will still come back to you if
it blows up!
I use cron and copy the dump to the users sftp space.
if the database gets large, and they dump at inconvenient times... not
to mention an unresponsive page while this is happening.
the line in the crontab:
#every night at 5 past midnight local time
0 5 * * * "/path/to/mysql/bin/mysqldump" -uUsername -pPassword
databasename > "/path/to/users/sftp/space/backup/databasename.sql"
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