Posted by alvarojaviervera@gmail.com on 05/05/07 21:22
On 5 mayo, 07:45, Sir Galahad <sgala...@tiskali.it> wrote:
> Hi guys!!
> Surfing thw web looking for a PHP IDE, I've found those 7 IDEs:
> 0) PHP IDE Project
> 1) PHPEclipse
> 2) ActiveState's Komodo
> 3) PHP Designer
> 4) NuSphere's PhpED
> 5) PHPEdit
> 6) Zend Studio
> Now.. before trying any of them, I would like to know if anyone here is
> already coding with an IDE support and if so, what of them? Are there
> other IDEs? What are "the best"? What are "pros" and "cons"??
> Thanks a lot for precious suggestions!!
> Sir Galahad
Ok, I suggest you a pair. Well, This is my opinion, I mean, I dont
have truth at all (with me... :) ) It's just a point of view.
First, you can try with PSPad - fast lightweight - nice one, for low-
end machines. Also I work with it in my P3 with 128 Mb. Ram and
Windows XP. (Laptop) Works Fine!
If you have a MOBO more strong... like P4, you can try Nusphere, Its
very good IDE, have code completion, thats make work more faster, and
have included in package PHP, XHTML, HTML, CSS, SQL help files. Very
good program.
I hope be clear and you can try some package. Good luck!
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