Posted by Art on 05/08/07 11:58
Thanks Geoff, that worked.
"Rami Elomaa" <rami.elomaa@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Art kirjoitti:
>> Geoff, I'm just trying to have validation in my form. I check to see if
>> certain fields have values, if all the required fields have values, i
>> want to sent the data to another php form, that processes the request and
>> sends the data to a sql database and generates an email that a request
>> has come in.
> So you'll be requesting the user to submit it twice? That's complicating
> things unnecessarily. Once you have validated, just insert them into the
> database right away. You can do that by including the processing page if
> the fields check okay.
> Like this:
> if($_POST['submit']){
> if(!empty($_POST['field'])){
> // Here you include the processing script
> include('some.php');
> exit();
> }
> }
> --
> Rami.Elomaa@gmail.com
> "Wikipedia on vδhδn niinq internetin raamattu, kukaan ei pohjimmiltaan
> usko siihen ja kukaan ei tiedδ mikδ pitδδ paikkansa." -- z00ze
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