Posted by alphari on 05/09/07 19:02
On May 5, 4:45 am, Sir Galahad <sgala...@tiskali.it> wrote:
> Hi guys!!
> Surfing thw web looking for a PHP IDE, I've found those 7 IDEs:
> 0) PHP IDE Project
> 1) PHPEclipse
> 2) ActiveState's Komodo
> 3) PHP Designer
> 4) NuSphere's PhpED
> 5) PHPEdit
> 6) Zend Studio
> Now.. before trying any of them, I would like to know if anyone here is
> already coding with an IDE support and if so, what of them? Are there
> other IDEs? What are "the best"? What are "pros" and "cons"??
> Thanks a lot for precious suggestions!!
> Sir Galahad
Personally, I use PHP Designer. I really like it, and it has a lot of
features without bloating too much, and it has built in FTP/code
completion, etc. Unfortunately, it isn't open source, but there is a
free version (it used to be completely free). The only other editor
I've used besides it was Notepad2, which is really lightweight, but in
terms of features, all it had was syntax highlighting :) Useful for
some situations.
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