Posted by harvey on 05/11/07 17:02
In article <miZ0i.7705$>, says...
> You know, these other guys are just morons. There are many possible
> solutions around the issue of dyslexic people but they have to shoot down
> the whole idea and only god knows why. If those people are so dyslexic that
> they cannot read simple text then they have no place using the internet...
> they couldn't even get on google because it would make no sense. If they
> can search on google then they can read a simple line of text. Dyslexia !=
> blind which Jerry, David, and Geoff want us to believe. Next they'll be
> saying that captchas are evil because they discriminate against blind
> people... and when that problem is solved then they'll bitch about something
> else. It seems the only thing these people are good at is bitching instead
> of solving.
Just my 2c worth so I can contribute something.
I find captchas totally annoying as a user and avoid anything that
requires them. I've stopped using most bulletin boards for example and
never register on any at all now. If they dont do guest posting I dont
bother at all.
My understanding is they seem to be the only answer
available to a tricky problem for webmasters so even I do have to accept
them at times until someone comes up with a better solution. But since
most online stuff isn't essential to me I can just choose not to use BB's
and other things with "registration" annoyances.
Just one more thought -
Actually captchas do discriminate against blind people because text
reading software many blind people use cannot read the captchas to them
whereas it can read the rest of the page and voice recognition does allow
them to search google etc. (Its just a thought)
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