Posted by Gleep on 05/12/07 06:22
On Fri, 11 May 2007 21:43:42 +0200, Floortje <lala@zingmaarmetmijmee.enel> wrote:
>Floortje schreef:
>> Dave Mennenoh schreef:
>>> I have a simple voting form - test is here:
>>> http://www.beautyriot.com/naughtynice_test/naughtynice.php
>>> Currently, I am testing, so when you click a button, it dumps you to
>>> the naughtyvote.php page, which simply echoes back the id of the
>>> person you voted for. Works great in FireFox.
>>> In IE my id is not being sent to the php script though.
>>> Is my form input somehow malformed?
>>> I thought I had this finished until my client just told me she can't
>>> get it to work... IE...
>> Iirc the name attribute is supported, not the value.
>> use this code
>> <input type ="image" src="img.jpg" value="value1" name="name1">
>> on the second page use: 'var_dump($_POST);' and see what is submitted
>Btw why dont you restyle the normal submit button with css. that way you
>can get rid of all that nasty javascript as well and still have the same
> functions :-)
i ran into some weirdness a while back with IE when the submit button was an image instead of
type="submit" . fixed it by adding a hidden var to the form because the receiving code was looking
for 'Submit' var ie <input type="hidden" name="Submit" value="Submit">
if( isset($_POST['Submit']) AND $_POST['Submit']=='Submit' ) {
then do stuff here...
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