Posted by Mike P2 on 05/16/07 19:52
On May 16, 1:28 pm, Ming <minghu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> private fields declaration like Java
> require 'XML/RPC.php';
> ...
> private XML_RPC_Client $Client;
> I know I can do
> private $Client;
> Thanks,
You cannot do it exactly the same as in Java, but you don't really
need to worry about doing that in PHP. If you want, you can initialize
it with "$Client = new XML_RPC_Client();" but that's unnecessary. You
might as well just do "private $Client;" to make the field and then
"$Client = new XML_RPC_Client();" in a method. If you are concerned
because you are taking the object as an argument and setting $Client
to that, you can be selective with your arguments (in PHP5+) like:
public function setClient( XML_RPC_Client $argClient )
$this->Client = $argClient;
Note that you don't need to use =& in PHP5.
-Mike PII
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