Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 05/17/07 19:29
At Thu, 17 May 2007 12:17:40 -0700, cybervigilante let his monkeys type:
> My PHP is rusty, but I'm trying to follow Joomla code and I keep
> seeing reverse braces inside php blocks that look to me like they'll
> break the interpreter. The code works. What am I missing here? Is this
> something new to php5 or some preproccessor or something?
> Stuff like this:
> <?php } else { ?>
> or this. where you see that left brace right before the ? I haven't
> done php in a while. Am I forgetting something obvious?
> <?php if(mosCountModules('right')) {
> ?>
> <div id="mcontent">
See it like this:
if the condition is true:
{ // block opening brace
?> step out of PHP
<div blabla etc. // output html code
<?PHP // step back into php
} // end the code block
else // condition not met
{ // begin other code block
etc etc.
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