Reply to Re: strval $_REQUEST

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Posted by jmark on 05/18/07 20:17

On May 17, 9:56 am, Umberto Salsi <s...@icosaedro.italia> wrote:
> SterLo <> wrote:
> > I would guess they are just being redundant.
> > You're right $_REQUESTis a string (most PHP variables are).
> > So converting a string to a string is pointless.
> As far as I know, $_GET $_POST and $_REQUESTare associative arrays
> whose elements can be:
> - unset (i.e. undefined)
> - a string of arbitrary bytes, ranging from 0 up to max(memory_limit,
> post_max_size, some_web_server_limit)
> - an array of any combination of strings and arrays of strings with
> arbitrary keys.
> Consider these examples:
> 1)
> $_GET['a'] becomes an unexpected "x%5C0%01x"
> (here the string is urlencoded() for readability; note the "0" after "%5C")
> 2)[]=xxx
> $_GET['a'] becomes array(0=>"xxx")
> 3)[one]=xxx&a[1]=yyy
> $_GET['a'] becomes array("one"=>"xxx", 1=>"yyy"))
> (note the keys "one" and 1)
> 4)[3]=xxx&a[2][0]=yyy&a[-1]=zzz
> $_GET['a'] becomes array(3=>"xxx", 2=>array(0=>"yyy"), -1=>"zzz")
> 5)
> $_GET['a'] is not set
> The same holds for the $_POST and $_REQUESTarrays.
> If all that involves some security issue or not, it depends on how all these
> values are handled by your program. An array can be evaluated as "Array"
> when a string is expected, and can be evaluated as 0 if a number is expected.
> Some functions of the standard library behave differently depending on the
> value they receive, be it a string or an array. Some test for validation
> may fail. For example, for the case 3:
> strlen($_GET['a']) gives always 5 for any array.
> $_GET['a'] + 1 gives 1 for any array
> preg_match("/^\\w\$/", $_GET['a']) raises an error and return false
> $somearray[ $_GET['a'] ] always select the element of key "Array"
> ...and so on, with more and more unexpected behaviors and oddities.
> The solution: build your own functions/classes that validate and sanitize
> every type of input. As a base rule:
> A) Most of the received parameters are (should be...) strings. Apply
> a (string) type-cast:
> $s = (string) $_GET['a'];
> then remove control chars and check proper encoding (ISO-..., UTF-8, etc.).
> B) <textarea>: as for A, but \t \r and \n should be preserved.
> C) Numbers: if a little integer number is expected, apply the (int) type-cast
> then check the range:
> $i = (int) $_GET['a'];
> $i = min( max($i, SOME_MIN), SOME_MAX );
> Otherwise, if the number is a monetary value (example: "1,234.99") convert
> to string and apply preg_match() with a proper REGEX, something like:
> $a = trim( (string) $_POST['a'] );
> if( preg_match("/^[0-9]+(,[0-9]{3})*(\\.[0-9]+)?\$/", $a ) === 1 ){
> # ok, now remove commas then use BCMath or GMP for calculations
> } else {
> # BAD
> }
> D) <select multiple>: more difficult to validate. Check the received array
> be actually an array, then copy every value in another array converting
> every element to string or to int, depending on the expected type; ignore
> duplicated values:
> $a = $_POST['a'];
> $a_sanitized = array();
> if( is_array($a) ){
> foreach($a as $v){
> $i = (int) $v;
> if( array_search($i, $a_sanitized) === FALSE )
> $a_sanitized[] = $i;
> }}
> # Here: check the values $a_sanitized[] be valid, for example they
> # may be compared againts good values saved in the session, or in a
> # hidden field protected with HMAC.
> Regards,
> ___
> /_|_\ Umberto Salsi
> \/_\/

Thank you Umberto for your detail information. The answer as you have
pointed out is on sanitization

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