Posted by steve on 05/18/07 21:54
On Sat, 19 May 2007 02:33:05 +0800, kenoli wrote
(in article <1179513185.241010.75350@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com>):
> This doesn't get to your question in an abstract way because I am just
> learning the concept of patterns, and may not get to it at all, but it
> is my experience with structuring php scripts. I've been coding for
> acouple of years, off and on, because of a need to have an interactive
> web application for a project I am involved in. I suspect that while
> I have used various scripting structures, they all more or less fall
> under the the MVC model.
> I started out trying to keep pages organized into several categories:
> those that are mostly html, includes that provide libraries of
> functions and, my goal, one script that handles all the processing.
> This latter involved a lot of switches and other control structures to
> get the data processed appropriately. This pretty much followed the
> MVC pattern, the html pages being the view and the processing script
> being the control. I designed my database, I guess you would call
> this the M part, based on a conceptual analysis of my project needs
> and some guidelines from "Database Design for Mere Mortals," which I
> found to be a very useful book.
> Over time, I found my processing script growing to a size that it was
> hard to manage. I faced more and more challenges regarding how to
> send my html data to the right parts of the script. What I finally
> resolved to, which serves me pretty well now, is a model where the
> script that processes an html page is placed between php tags at the
> head of the document. The html on that page, which I try to keep as
> pure html as possible, is placed "below" the script tags and any
> action it triggers refers back to the same page, activiting a switch
> or some control mechanism to process the data appropriately. Once the
> data is processed, the user is sent to the same or another html page
> as appropriate, sending along any necessary data in post, get or
> session variables.
> I'm finding myself modfiying my database schema as we use the
> application and as I see how it interacts with my scripting needs.
> Thus it is being modified to adapt to practical scripting issues and
> to the end use requirements. In this way I provide increased
> flexibility and efficiency all all levels.
> As my scripts develop, I find ways to reuse them and re-organize them
> so that they are growing into modules and more readable scripts.
> This seems to be a useful development model for me, though it may not
> work for an enterprise sized application or a design project involving
> a team of developers.
> I am not doing OOP, though I am looking into it. I'm not sure there
> are advantages for the size of the project I am involved in. I use my
> functions and includes in a similar way to which one might use objects
> and have thought about experimenting with developing them into
> objects.
> I'm very interested in other responses to your query.
> --Kenoli
> On May 17, 2:27 pm, anal_aviator <analavia...@pornolizer.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking to develop a web-site with both database and php access.
>> Personally I'm familiar with the MVC design pattern , are there any quick
>> pointers on other suitable patterns, that will cover both web & database?
Yes thanks for the reply.
As you point out other responses will be interesting. I was looking for
people not using the MVC , basically to get an idea of what they were doing
as regards the web project and any experiences they had.
I was also looking at the Observer Design pattern, however it appears some
patterns Can be applied globally to a site , whereas others specifically
target given areas.
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