Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 05/20/07 14:23
Jon Slaughter wrote:
> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:lcWdnQnjjd1qKdLbnZ2dnUVZ_oLinZ2d@comcast.com...
>> Schraalhans Keukenmeester wrote:
>>> At Fri, 18 May 2007 21:05:36 -0400, Jerry Stuckle let his monkeys type:
>>>> ZeldorBlat wrote:
>>>>> On May 18, 11:40 am, "Jon Slaughter" <Jon_Slaugh...@Hotmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> "ZeldorBlat" <zeldorb...@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:1179501018.125313.63600@p77g2000hsh.googlegroups.com...
>>>>>>> On May 18, 11:05 am, "Jon Slaughter" <Jon_Slaugh...@Hotmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Is it safe to remove elements from an array that foreach is working
>>>>>>>> on?
>>>>>>>> (normally this is not the case but not sure in php) If so is there
>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>> efficient way to handle it? (I could add the indexes to a temp array
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> delete afterwards if necessary but since I'm actually working in a
>>>>>>>> nested
>>>>>>>> situation this could get a little messy. I guess I could set there
>>>>>>>> values
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> null and remove them afterwards?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>> Why don't you try it and see what happens?
>>>>>> Um... cause I did... but that doesn't mean much. Just cause someone
>>>>>> tries
>>>>>> something doesn't prove that it will always work like that...
>>>>>> got any more bright ideas?
>>>>>> Or is the question to hard for you?
>>>>> No, the question is not to (sic) hard for me. But, as you've already
>>>>> discovered, it isn't that difficult to test, either.
>>>> Sorry, I agree with Jon on this one.
>>>> I make it a habit not to delete entries in a foreach() loop. Rather, I
>>>> build an array of keys I want to delete, and after the loop ends, delete
>>>> the entries from my delete array.
>>>> I don't know whether an operation like this is guaranteed to work in
>>>> PHP - I've never seen it documented, so I suspect not. And just because
>>>> it works in one release under a certain set of conditions is not a
>>>> guarantee it will work on another release or under different conditions.
>>> I agree 100% with you not to rely on undocumented 'features'.
>>> Just out of curiosity I took this one step further and discovered the
>>> following (again, can't rely on this to hold true unless it's documented
>>> somewhere, well hidden):
>>> <?PHP
>>> $array=array('john','james','delilah','mary');
>>> foreach ($array as $key=>$value) {
>>> echo "$key => $value".NEWLINE;
>>> if ($value == 'delilah') {
>>> $array[$key]='samson';
>>> } elseif ($value=='james') {
>>> unset($array[$key]);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> echo NEWLINE;
>>> foreach ($array as $key=>$value) {
>>> echo "$key => $value".NEWLINE;
>>> }
>>> ?>
>>> 0 => john
>>> 1 => james
>>> 2 => delilah
>>> 3 => mary
>>> 0 => john
>>> 2 => samson
>>> 3 => mary
>>> The foreach loop operates on a copy of the array
>>> The original array remains in scope
>>> Current($array) points to the first element throughout the loop
>>> I'd think setting elements to NULL directly in the array isn't any
>>> better,
>>> you're still relying on the same 'feature'.
>>> Sh
>> Yes, foreach() works on a copy. But while the manual indicates changes to
>> the copy don't affect the original - they say nothing about when changes
>> to the original will affect the copy.
> since its a copy the original should effect in any way the copy?
> I could only see this if the copy is not a deep copy.... but in php all
> copies are deep?
There is nothing indicating when the copy is updated from the original.
It might be only at the beginning, everything through the loop or
anything else.
It's not documented - so you can't depend on the operation.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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