Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 05/25/07 11:50
Ravi wrote:
> we will take the mac address from the customer and adding the system
> date and time after encrypting it using Md5 keeping it some where else
> in my code that to encrypted...
> can u find out the logic
> 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
> This is the actual code
You miss the point. What happens if I set my mac address to be the
same? If your server is available to the internet, it's mac address is
available. And that means I can change it on my system.
Mac addresses are NOT useful for security.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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