Posted by Justin.Halbsgut on 05/26/07 16:44
I don't believe there is a deinfed function for working like this, but
I have created a custom function for this purpose:
function addOne($n) {
$places = array_reverse(str_split($n,1)); //split apart, and put in
order with least place first
foreach ($places as $p => $number) {
$places[$p] = $number+1;
if ($places[$p] == 10) {
$places[$p] = 0; //this means we gotta add one to the next place as
well, so let it go on
} else {
break; //this means we're in good shape and dont have to continue,
so break out of foreach
//from now on, we need to add 1 to the next place...but lets make
sure its there first, if not, lets just create it and add 1 now
if ($p == count($places)-1)
$places[$p+1] = 1;
return implode("",array_reverse($places)); //puts back in the correct
order and returns
Note that the number is actually a string. When you set it like:
$count = 001;
PHP actually drops those 0s. All it knows is that it's the value of 1,
and doesn't care about 0 places to the left of the number.
So this is how you would use it in your case:
$count = "001";
foreach($Replace_With_List as $Replace_With) {
$count = addOne($count);
Other notes:
Notice that it will even add another place if it needs it. So if 999
is given, the return will be 1000.
If using PHP5, you could actually shorten this code a little by the
use of referenceing.
If using anything less then PHP5, you will also need a custom
str_split function, since none is available in <5.0 versions. So here
is mine:
function str_split($str,$l=1) {
do {
$ret[] = substr($str,0,$l);
$str = substr($str,$l);
while($str != "");
return $ret;
Hope that helps! Feel free to email me with any questions.
alpha.be...@googlemail.com wrote:
> I set it to 001 at start but the next number PHP produces is
> 2,3,4,5,etc. instead of 002,003,004,005,etc.
> What will I need to change to get the latter?
> ===
> $Count = 001;
> foreach($Replace_With_List as $Replace_With)
> {
> ++$Count;
> }
> ===
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