Posted by HansF on 07/08/05 05:43
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 02:31:32 +0000, Mladen Gogala interested us by
> My database is on Linux, FC3. I know it isn't supported, I am
> not asking for support, I am just reporting a problem.
> This is the error that I'm receiving:
> Exception:oci8 error: [12154: Error while trying to retrieve text for
> error ORA-12154 ] in CONNECT(local, 'SYSTEM', '****', )
Sounds like possibly your $ORACLE_HOME/network.admin/tnsnames.ora is not
set up to talk to the database the way PHP expects it to work. Or you are
not getting to the right tnsnames.ora
For example - which service are you using in SQLPlus? You probably have
$ORACLE_SID set up in that environment ... but it doesn't match the SID
used in PHP. (Occasionally multiple tnsnames.ora are created, one per
ORACLE_HOME, and the user accidently points at the wrong one.)
With the 'retrieve text' issue, it almost points at the $ORACLE_HOME not
being recognized inside PHP at all (but of course, it's beta so that might
be misleading)
Some troubleshooting hints (yes, they are for 9i but still valid. Or you
could look up the equiv in the 10g docco)
Let us know how it resolves
Hans Forbrich
Canada-wide Oracle training and consulting
mailto: Fuzzy.GreyBeard_at_gmail.com
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