Posted by ZeldorBlat on 05/30/07 16:30
On May 29, 3:34 pm, "Matt White" <mgw...@msn.com> wrote:
> "Gary Hasler" <garyhas...@thelogconnection.com> wrote in message
> news:465C6085.91C4D73B@thelogconnection.com...
> > peter wrote:
> >> > Newbie warning--I'm ok with PHP but my SQL knowledge is limited.
> >> > I want to allow our dealers access to our database of price quotes, but
> >> > only to their own records. The table has a field "dealer", so for
> >> > example dealer "Joe_Blow" should only be able to read records where
> >> > that
> >> > field has that value.
> >> > Currently I use MS Excel to do a query thru ODBC. I can easily set up
> >> > a
> >> > new MySQL user for each dealer with our web site host's "control panel"
> >> > tools, but cannot set the above mentioned restriction. I could write
> >> > my
> >> > own custom PHP interface, but I'm sure this wheel has already been
> >> > invented, and I would rather not add more pages to our web site. Can
> >> > someone point me in the right direction?
> >> You simply need to use a where clause in your sql:-
> >>http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/select.htmlso on the end of your
> >> sql
> >> you would have something like WHERE `dealer` = 'Joe_Blow'
> > Yes, that is what I would do if I were creating a PHP page to show them
> > the data. What I would greatly prefer is they can simply retrieve data
> > directly into Excel, say to make a mailing list.
> > I guess basically I'm asking: is there any way to restrict a mySql user;
> > or to set a restriction on the table, beyond the built in mySql
> > restrictions of SELECT, INSERT, etc.
> > For example: for user Joe_Blow, the restriction "WHERE `dealer` =
> > 'Joe_Blow'" is added to every query? My question is evolving...am I
> > looking for something like a "middle-man" between the mySql server and
> > the client?
> If I understand what you are saying, the answer is no. You cannot make a
> table in which certain fields are open only to certain people.
(Top-posting fixed)
No, but you can create a view that includes an appropriate where
clause and give specific users select permission on the view.
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