Reply to nonblocking STDIN in CLI PHP app

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Posted by yawnmoth on 05/31/07 01:53

For learning purposes, I'd like to create a PHP script that'll output
the system time every minute and, at the same time, will process
"command line" commands as I type them into STDIN. eg.

If I wait a minute, it should output the time. If, ten seconds later,
I type in "dir", it should display the directory information.
Unfortunately, it doesn't do that.

Here's my code:

$stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');

stream_set_blocking($stdin, 0);

$data = '';
$last_date = '';
while (true)
$data.= fgets($stdin, 1024);
if ($data{strlen($data)-1} == "\r" || $data{strlen($data)-1} == "\n")
$data = '';
if ($last_date != date('g:ia'))
$last_date = date('g:ia');
echo "\r\nThe time is now [$last_date]\r\n";

Any ideas?

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