Posted by cbmeeks on 05/31/07 16:45
Thanks for the ideas!
I think I might have a somewhat complex system that might work.
First of all, when pictures are uploaded, I record the information in
the db. I could add a column that says "is_ready" so that they
wouldn't show in the galleries and the resize could mark them ready.
I'm really leaning towards and XML-RPC system. The XML-RPC server
could sit and wait for requests. The client ("do_upload") could send
a request when uploading is finished. That should take just a second
or so...hopefully.
The request could contain information on what to resize.
The XML-RPC server then could instruct the resize script to run and
then the script could mark the image ready.
I would need to make sure I knew how to run a robust XML-RPC server
capable of handling many requests.
I know this whole system seems complicated but I am trying to think
scalability. The XML-RPC server could easily be moved to any machine.
Thanks for suggestions guys.
On May 31, 11:40 am, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
> cbmeeks wrote:
> >> Well, you could kick off a batch job to do your resizing, then return to
> >> the user. That way it can keep processing the images. The only thing
> >> you'll have to handle is when the user wants to display his gallery
> >> before it's ready.
> > That's exactly how I want to do it. I just don't know the best way to
> > execute it. I like the idea of having an XML-RPC server running but I
> > am concerned with security (as I should be).
> > So, let's say I have the following code (using CI):
> > ...
> > $this->Upload->do_uploads(); // handle the actual uploading.
> > $this->Photos->do_resizing(); // handle the resizing
> > redirect('waiting');
> > ....
> > "Waiting" doesn't get kicked off until after do_resizing (sorry, new
> > to PHP). I'm sure there is a smarter way. I'd like to avoid pop-ups,
> > iframes, javascript, etc if possible.
> > I also thought about having the "do_resizing" simple add some records
> > to a db and have a program running on the server full time that checks
> > the db frequently. But wouldn't that be wasteful? I like the idea of
> > programs laying dormant until something kicks it in the pants and says
> > "do something!" lol
> > Thanks
> > cbmeeks
> >http://www.signaldev.com
> First of all, the redirect won't happen until the code reaches there -
> which is after your resizing. So that's normal operation.
> You could have a cron job kicked off every few minutes to resize the
> pictures, but again, you'll run into the problem that after uploading
> the user won't be able to see the pictures he's just uploaded - at least
> in various sizes.
> You could use shell_exec() to start off a background process, i.e.
> (assuming Unix/Linux):
> shell_exec('nohup myprog file1 file2 file3 2> /dev/null &');
> nohup says to execute a command without hangups and no output, 2>
> /dev/null throws away any error messages, and the '&' at the end says
> run in the background.
> You'll still run into a problem that the resizing might not occur as
> fast as the user wants to display it; you'll have to be able to handle
> this in your display routines.
> Alternatively, you could do something like:
> <body>
> echo 'Resizing your images, please wait...<br>';
> flush();
> $this->Upload->do_uploads(); // handle the actual uploading.
> $this->Photos->do_resizing(); // handle the resizing
> echo 'Done!. <a href="nextpage.php">Click here to continue</a>';
> </body>
> The flush() works with most browsers if you keep the html simple - it
> forces the output to the browser and the browser displays it. But if
> you start to get fancy (i.e. tables, etc.), many browsers will wait for
> the end of the element to actually display.
> The only problem with this is, once you've sent *any* output to the
> browser, you can't redirect them to another page via php (you could use
> an html redirect). That's why the link.
> Just some ideas.
> --
> ==================
> Remove the "x" from my email address
> Jerry Stuckle
> JDS Computer Training Corp.
> jstuck...@attglobal.net
> ==================
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