Reply to Re: Foreach displaying data twice

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Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 06/01/07 15:56

At Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:59:11 -0700, Akhenaten let h(is|er) monkeys type:

> I must be missing something rather obvious. I have the following
> snippet of code that echo's my result twice when it should be echoing
> just once (only one element in the array). What am I overlooking?
> ********************************
> $OpenQ = mysql_query("SELECT column FROM table WHERE q_uid =
> $_SESSION[userid] AND status = 1",$db); // SQL query on DB returns 1
> result

Rami has answered your question. I just wondered whether:
a) userid is a defined constant. If not, it should be in quotes.
b) $_SESSION[userid] (and q_uid) is a numerical or a string. If the
latter, it should be in quotes.

Just my 2cts.


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