Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 06/02/07 01:38
Geoff Berrow wrote:
> I have an upload script which I want to use to upload word documents.
> This works fine on my Gradwell account. However on the client's
> (windows) hosting it fails.
> C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\php29D.tmp
> Warning: copy(papers/1180718015test.doc) [function.copy]: failed to open
> stream: Permission denied in
> \\nas01\nas\i\s\\web\uploaddoc.php on line 22
> I emailed support (Namesco) and received this reply
>>> There is no need to change permissions on Windows hosting. Your files by
>>> default have the permissions to write to directories owned by your own
>>> user.
> Any suggestions?
They don't have any idea what they're talking about? You may be able to
write to them as your user - but you need to be able to write them them
as the web server's user. Completely separate requirements.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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