Reply to Re: Some newbie questions (Dreamweaver)

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Posted by Timothy Ace Holleran on 06/03/07 17:30

As the gang says, forget the "layers" crap.

Try <div style="border: 2px red solid;>[Put text and pictures in this
container]</div> To pisition div's on a page, learn all about tables from
any good html help site, such as .
Use empty table cells to place other cells roughly where you want them. You
can lear this in a couple of days.

Ace in CT

"Neredbojias" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 02 Jun 2007 14:55:22 GMT scribed:
>> 1) Is it possible to put a visible border around a layer? Layers seem
>> to be a great way doing layout, since you can put them anywhere on a
>> page. However, sometimes I'd like to have a border around a layer. Can
>> it be done? How?
> Yes, but...
> In general, "layers" are outside the document flow and thus are not a good
> way to do layout. Bordering can be done with css, for instance in the
> head
> section:
> <style type="text/css">
> div {
> border:2px solid yellow;
> }
> </style>
>> 2) Is there a good tutorial for Dreamweaver somebody could
>> recommmend?
> Google for "Dreamweaver tutorial".
>> 3) I'd like to limit access to parts of my site with a password. How
>> do I do that?
> Again, research it via tech info sites. It's quite possible though not
> simple.
> --
> Neredbojias
> He who laughs last sounds like an idiot.

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