Posted by bill on 06/05/07 13:45
IMAP_FETCHBODY requires the "part number" to fetch.
Can anyone point me at how the part numbers are derrived.
for example, here is the formatted parts array from a message:
array(2) {
[0]=> object(stdClass)(12) {
["type"]=> int(0)
["encoding"]=> int(0)
["ifsubtype"]=> int(1)
["subtype"]=> string(5) "PLAIN"
["ifdescription"]=> int(0)
["ifid"]=> int(0)
["lines"]=> int(1)
["bytes"]=> int(38)
["ifdisposition"]=> int(0)
["ifdparameters"]=> int(0)
["ifparameters"]=> int(1)
["parameters"]=> array(2) {
[0]=> object(stdClass)(2) {
["attribute"]=> string(7) "CHARSET"
["value"]=> string(10) "ISO-8859-1" }
[1]=> object(stdClass)(2) {
["attribute"]=> string(6) "FORMAT"
["value"]=> string(6) "flowed" } } }
[1]=> object(stdClass)(15) {
["type"]=> int(2)
["encoding"]=> int(0)
["ifsubtype"]=> int(1)
["subtype"]=> string(6) "RFC822"
["ifdescription"]=> int(0)
["ifid"]=> int(0)
["lines"]=> int(34)
["bytes"]=> int(1609)
["ifdisposition"]=> int(1)
["disposition"]=> string(6) "INLINE"
["ifdparameters"]=> int(1)
["dparameters"]=> array(1) {
[0]=> object(stdClass)(2) {
["attribute"]=> string(8) "FILENAME"
["value"]=> string(21) "TEST OF HTML MAIL.eml" } }
["ifparameters"]=> int(1)
["parameters"]=> array(1) {
[0]=> object(stdClass)(2) {
["attribute"]=> string(4) "NAME"
["value"]=> string(21) "TEST OF HTML MAIL.eml" } }
["parts"]=> array(1) {
[0]=> object(stdClass)(12) {
["type"]=> int(0)
["encoding"]=> int(0)
["ifsubtype"]=> int(1)
["subtype"]=> string(5) "PLAIN"
["ifdescription"]=> int(0)
["ifid"]=> int(0)
["lines"]=> int(10)
["bytes"]=> int(251)
["ifdisposition"]=> int(0)
["ifdparameters"]=> int(0)
["ifparameters"]=> int(1)
["parameters"]=> array(2) {
[0]==> object(stdClass)(2) {
["attribute"]=> string(7) "CHARSET"
["value"]=> string(10) "ISO-8859-1" }
[1]=> object(stdClass)(2) {
["attribute"]=> string(6) "FORMAT"
["value"]=> string(6) "flowed" } } } } } } ["value"]=>
string(6) "flowed" } } } } } }
so is there a way of predicting what parts would be the body text ?
[Back to original message]