Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 06/06/07 14:23
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Blinky the Shark
<no.spam@box.invalid> writing in
> Adrienne Boswell wrote:
>> The other interesting thing about these statistics is that the
>> properties are in Glendale, all above Glenoaks, which is the higher
>> priced area of the city. Glendale is a city bordering Los Angeles,
>> between Burbank and Pasadena. People who work at the studios often
>> rent in that area. I live in the "slummy" area below Colorado, where
>> the largest concentration of Armenians are, and I like it a lot
>> better because it's more European.
> Hey, I'm over in North Hollywood. I have a buddy over in Glendale at
> Lexington and Maryland. Another Armenian enclave seems to be over in
> the east side of Hollywood -- I think I've seen a "Little Armenia"
> sign around Hollywood and...uh...maybe a bit east of Gower.
Yes, you have, IIRC it's at Bronson. Little Armenia is where the
Armenians live that aspire to live in Glendale. I have a lot of friends
who are Armenian, and my son goes to an Armenian preschool. You would
think after eight years of living in Glendale that I would know some
Armenian, all I know is Merci (thank you, same as French). Spane
understands, and I think speaks a little Armenian. Of course at three, a
lot of things he says sound Armenian.
Adrienne Boswell at Home
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