Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 06/10/07 18:53
At Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:32:30 +0000, Jon Slaughter let h(is|er) monkeys
> How do I create a process that will be called periodically to do some task?
> This is not necessarily php but not sure where to ask.
> Essentially I want to create either a php script or app(C++ would be nice)
> to run once a day that will generate a set of images to be used for
> captchas.
> Any ideas or ideas where I can look for more info?
> Thanks,
> Jon
You could have your captcha-using script check the number of times your
current set of captchas has been 'used' or subtract the time you last
created captcha images from the current time and start the regeneration of
a new batch instead of having to use cron or at.
In practice, I would only worry about overtaxing the server if you have a
massive number of visits each day. The imagefunction set provided by gd is
pretty well opimised, your own C/C++ program might have a challenge trying
to beat it.
I've yet to see the first problem on a site I oversee creating captchas on
the fly. Even on relatively low-end shared environments.
I think you may be worrying about something that may never be a real
problem here.
Schraalhans Keukenmeester - schraalhans@the.Spamtrapexample.nl
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