Posted by Travis Newbury on 06/12/07 10:10
On Jun 11, 1:09 pm, "M" <> wrote:
> A lot of Hollywood movie sites also use Flash to good effect.
Flash and Hollywood, are a marriage made in heaven...
> My biggest issue is accessiblity. A friend's totally Flash-powered site for
> her photography business had a menu system that I could barely read. No way
> to change the font.
I do not disagree with you. Flash being (for the most part) a visual
medium, it makes it harder for the developer to implement
accessibility features. But it is not impossible. That is where a
Flash developer with true application development background rather
than an artists background comes in handy. Flash CAN meet all the
accessibility concerns if a site IF the developer knows how to.
> Another issue was time. Every one of her images had some transition special
> effect so that it took way too much time to get through her portfolio. No
> way to turn it off.
Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing
> I run my rez at 1024 x 768 on my single monitor. The text in the upper left
> corner of is just large enough for me to read comfortably.
> How would it look to someone with a higher rez?
Probably sucky
> I've seen sites that give you the option between html and Flash. I suppose
> it wouldn't be much more difficult to offer more choices based on the end
> user's screen real estate.
I actually don't like sites like that.
> Another issue: How do Flash-powered sites measure up with respect to search
> engines?
The major search engins now sear Flash. This is no longer an issue
(for a good Flash developer)
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