Posted by alex on 06/12/07 08:20
I'm building a Resty interface and i'm trying to POST data from a web
page via a normal web form with method="POST" in it's form tag.
When i submit the data to my resource the variable
$_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] reports "GET" and there is a
The resource pages are accessed using the apache 404 error page:
- The web page gets the request (http://myserver/path/to/my/resource)
- The url it's not found and the url string is parsed
- The resource /path/to/my/respurce is checked
- The resource data is returned
So, do i have to use the REDIRECT_REQUEST_METHOD server variables
instead of REQUEST_METHOD??
Is it a reliable variable?? (i.e all web servers produce this variable
when accessing a resource in this fashion)
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