Reply to Re: Where are the extensions?

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 06/12/07 15:11

Reacher wrote:
> I've built PHP 5 on Solaris, and included --with-pgsql=<dir> when i
> configured it. my test script seems to work, but extension_dir is
> pointing to an odd place (a directory that does not exist, in fact).
> I never made a php.ini file, so I assume it's getting set to some
> default. My question is, did the compile process actually make a
> file? or is support bundled into the executable?

If your test script works, then the extension is compiled into PHP. But
if you would have had a problem compiling with --with-pgsql=<dir>,
config (or make) would have told you about it and you wouldn't have been
able to continue.

Check phpinfo() and see where it thinks your php.ini file should be.
There are default values used if you don't have one, but generally you
want to specify your own values for some of the defaults.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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