Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 06/14/07 05:48
At Wed, 13 Jun 2007 12:10:16 -0500, Bint let h(is|er) monkeys type:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to create thumbnails of PNG images. I have code that used to
> work but doesn't seem to anymore. The resizing just seems to return black
> images, even though my source image is not black. Anyone know what could be
> the problem?
At first glance your code seems fine. So the question probably boils down
to: is there a valid image in $im to begin with?
When running into the situation: it used to work but now it doesn't, ask
yourself what might have changed. New host, new PHP version, changed
php.ini, paths, permissions, changed includes etc.
Add some debugging steps along the way if you can't think of what has
changed, set error_reporting(E_ALL) to catch helpful notices and warnings.
Schraalhans Keukenmeester - schraalhans@the.Spamtrapexample.nl
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