Posted by Rik on 06/16/07 09:03
On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 01:24:42 +0200, Jim Carlock <anonymous@> =
> Oops.
> I cancelled the message, but someone may have downloaded it.
> Please disregard the message. I tried to duplicate the problem,
> and it ended up as another problem.
> [15-Jun-2007 19:09:35] PHP Notice: Object of class PDO could not be =
> converted to int in index.php on line 117
> That notice occured on the if() line below...
> $oPDO =3D new PDO($sDBName, $sUserID, $sPassword);
> if (($oPDO) & (strlen($sSQL) > 0)) {
& =3D> && ?
& is a bitwise operator, I suspect it tries to cast $oPDO to an integer =
to =
check this, which cannot be done. It can however be cast to a boolean, =
which is what && does.
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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