Posted by dorayme on 06/18/07 03:41
In article
Isaac Grover <isaac.grover@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good evening from Wisconsin,
> I have a basic three-column with header layout and my right column is
> pushed down 18px from where it needs to be. All the horrible colors
> are still in place for your enjoyment. I'm sure this is a simple
> answer for all the css gurus out there, but it's evading me.
> The page in question is http://www.rfdiscgolf.org/template.html .
> Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
How about first fixing the errors that are reported in the css
and html by W3C validators.
I believe you will come to grief trying to whip this tightly
pixel based design into shape. Relax. Try some em based widthing.
Remember or note that some people do not have your eyesight or
text size preferences and things spill out in an ugly manner when
you click text size up larger in your browser with tight px
controlled widths and heights.
Here is some rough advice:
Do use some filler text and stuff in your templating tests,
content does affect how things behave.
If you are going to use floating for columns, note what the left
cols width is and make the next column's left margin be about the
same. If you do not try to have everything consciously butting up
to everything else, you will see that it will look reasonably
natural. If you float a right col as well, ditto re the main
content's right margin. Content will grow to suit the browser
You can see the sort of thing re floats and cols at
http://ihpst.org. in respect to the margining for two cols at
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